In Challenges, Communication, Perspective, Purpose, Wednesday Wisdom

A friend of mine is teaching a finance class at the University of Iowa and he asked me to share my solopreneur story. As I contemplated my talk, I took time to consider which elements of my journey might be most helpful to students as they finish college and transition into the work world. Interestingly enough, I think the information I chose to highlight could also be useful to many of my own clients, and perhaps you too.

Here’s the condensed version of what I told the class: Rarely is the journey easy or straightforward, but as you discern your own path, it’s worth it. I also showed the photo below to illustrate my point.

One of my best friends gave me this bracelet when I launched my employee development and coaching practice. The artist labeled it “Embrace the Journey,” and I cannot think of a more fitting visual reminder of what the path to growth really looks like.

After telling my story, the students and I had a great discussion, with some of them sharing their own post-graduation goals. I have so much faith as the Class of 2020 enters the workforce. Of course, many of them lack the wisdom of in-the-trenches experience, but this group is smart, articulate, and seems to possess a sense of purpose that is refreshing. I’m excited to see what they can do!

What message would you share with young people who will soon be kicking off professional careers?






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