Soccer mom duties this fall provided great reading opportunities during practices. Here are some of my favorite books: Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin My favorite passages: Habits [...]
By the number of people that are currently upset with you? This fall marks several years in a row that I’ve participated in a panel discussion for a local college. The panel consists of [...]
Grace, well-received and well-extended, builds relationships. Recently, I’ve heard two very powerful stories about grace. I have a great amount of respect for the way both women used the grace [...]
The simplest advice ever. And relevant more often than we think. Initially, I hated his guts. In my mind, Matt* was just a slick sales guy. He thought he was special. Special parking spot. [...]
Notice the givers. They are a treasure. And very effective leaders. Tracy and I worked together years ago and our paths cross occasionally, both personally and professionally. At a recent [...]