In Leadership, Wednesday Wisdom

It is good to rub, and polish our brain against that of others.
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne


I want to highlight the wisdom of some of the amazing connections I’ve made in the last year (or so). I am inspired by the insights and am honored to share the work of my friends.


Lindsay Leahy

I had a difficult time selecting my favorite Lindsay post. I picked this one because of the way that Lindsay reminded me of how our adult egos can limit our comfort zones.


Amanda Wendling

Amanda is an amazing writer and the way she encourages her daughter to “screw the mold” is the exactly the same message I (and so many others!) need to hear on a regular basis.


Rina Jensen

Girl with red hair meets girl with purple hair. Learning and laughter abound! Rina’s confidence is contagious. I love spending time with this amazing woman.


James Mayhew

Ironically, I met James only a day or two after another friend challenged me to remove “too busy” from my vocabulary. James’ message of fighting the fierce battle against the mediocrity of busyness resonates with me.





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